Let’s talk about online trolls


a case in point showing how online trolling (and consequential virality) works. Screenshots show the tactics employed while metrics support my assumptions. The post is organic from a 21 followers page.



Word ‘trolls’ really doesn’t apply to the advanced tactics these commentators undertake. Nowadays they are organized, come in groups, united in their goal which is usually to be the opposing side of an issue and drown the voices of regular visitors in the number of their comments. If anyone knows the word for this type of organized trolling, please share.

I have a new current events fact-checking Facebook page. I’ve had it for about 2 months and have only 21 followers, 16 likes and not looking to grow the audience right now.

About two weeks old post about police brutality has gained modest traction as some 10 non-fans shared and reacted. But somehow the post caught attention of a troll. That was less than 24 hours ago. Since then this post gained 75 reactions and comments which drowned every other comment. Nobody responded to their comments, so there is no discussion or conflict. Yet. But if anyone did respond, this would be ugly.

This example shines a light on manipulation of online attention: not only is it impossible to see others’ opinions but this flood of unified message is drowning the fact that the event had occurred regardless of anyone’s opinion. A random visitor sees 75 people pointing out the sky is green, they too may think 75 people cannot be wrong.

*Note: in order to avoid conflict on your page you may attempt to hide or delete problematic comments. This is fine while its manageable. But an army of organized trolls can and will overwhelm you at which point you can only delete the post – or risk them spread through your page and do intentional damage.
Original link from the picture: https://twitter.com/_popaboywill…/status/1267257954048278529


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How to Invite All on Facebook Pages


Facebook Page likes:
On June 8 we talked about FB pages new feature where you can invite to like your page all those who liked your posts (especially those you boosted) but didn’t like your page. (Link to that post is here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=578817226087921&id=227596434543337)

We figured out how to get that Invite All button when we want it – it’s not from FB Page Manager, it’s actually from your personal profile then you go to settings > my pages > and you go to your page notifications. You will see notifications such as “Jane Doe and John Doe liked your post. Help them see more by inviting them to like your page”. You click on that type of notifications and ONLY THEN CAN YOU SEE this INVITE ALL button.

Screenshots below how to get to your page via your profile and notifications offering you this Invite All option.

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How GoDaddy Hosting Limits Your Resources

If you struggle with GoDaddy’s file manager limit – here is what I found out. The hard way.

GoDaddy limits your resources when you are taking more than others hosted on the same server. You are not using all your resources, but you are using more bandwidth than others which triggers clampdown on your activity and you have to give up. It’s not an option – you are forced to give up because no site works. Everything stops.

Today I was uploading favicon to one of my pages. It was 47KB and the upload stopped because all the data transfer stopped because of this limitation. So I waited a bit, and once it calmed down, I continued.

Disclosure: I am using GoDaddy Ultimate shared hosting plan for 13 of my pages with literally no traffic, no heavy media, and 4 sites are AMP enabled – meaning they are as plain as they can be. The only thing that GoDaddy recommends is 10 sites or less for a hosting plan of this size.

Next time we’ll talk about file usage limits on GoDaddy.

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Facebook tips: How to See the Relationship History of Any Two People on Facebook

Facebook Tip #33: How to See the Relationship History of Any Two People on Facebook

1. Navigate to the profile of the first people you want to see and make a note of their username. You can find it in the URL.

2. Repeat the process for the second person you want to see.

3. In your browser’s address bar, type www.facebook.com/friendship/[username 1]/[username 2]/, replacing the usernames as appropriate.

Press Enter.Now you should be able to see all public posts where the two people tagged each other.

Facebook tips: How to See the Relationship History of Any Two People on Facebook Read More »

Best time to post to Facebook for best engagement rate

Experience shows Wednesdays morning to mid-afternoon are times when Facebook gets most attention. Also, most marketers know this so you may want to explore your audience habits. This also depends on industry you advertise in and on your targeted demographics. Depends on the topic too – some things never go unnoticed: kittens, puppies, toddlers and puppies, and nudity.

Best time to post to Facebook for best engagement rate Read More »

How to see your campaign results by changing your Ad Manager columns view

How to see your campaign results by changing your Ad Manager columns view

Here is a 2 minute video how you can change your results view to see basic metrics for your campaign. I am using my own customized preset view named “MihaelaDefault” which I updated by excluding couple of columns and saving the preset. You can do that too.

Basic columns:

  • results – results of your selected campaign eg. page likes, call now clicks, website views etc.
  • reach – how many people had this ad in their view (most probably seeing it)
  • impressions – how many times the ad showed up regardless of being seen
  • CTR (clickthru rate – % of people who clicked on this ad on purpose and went to your website,
  • watched your video, liked your page, etc. Generally everything above 2-3% is good.
  • CPC (cost per click)not as important because it takes into account accidental clicks
  • Cost per result – this is cost per your goal – goal of the campaign.

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How to overcome GoDaddy shared hosting file limit

If you struggle with GoDaddy’s file manager limit – here is what I found out. The hard way.

GoDaddy limits your resources when you are taking more than others hosted on the same server. You are not using all your resources, but you are using more bandwidth than others which triggers clampdown on your activity and you have to give up. It’s not an option – you are forced to give up because no site works. Everything stops.

Today I was uploading favicon to one of my pages. It was 47KB and the upload stopped because all the data transfer stopped because of this limitation. So I waited a bit, and once it calmed down, I continued.

Disclosure: I am using GoDaddy Ultimate shared hosting plan for 13 of my pages with literally no traffic, no heavy media, and 4 sites are AMP enabled – meaning they are as plain as they can be. The only thing that GoDaddy recommends is 10 sites or less for a hosting plan of this size.

Next time we’ll talk about file usage limits on GoDaddy.

How to overcome GoDaddy shared hosting file limit Read More »

Post-Corona Work Habits Changes

Stability, digital and agility will be priorities. Going forward investment decisions will be made based on digital-first and stability.

Platforms that enable local sourcing: because of global limitations, at this time of crisis it is local suppliers and distributors that have come through with the goods. The only thing missing is a digital tool to help meet the demand.

So big chains are losers and local suppliers winners in a national crisis.

Work from Home gains credibility

I can imagine a situation where some organisations will want to keep some face-to-face time an option. Imagine cost the company could cut with less space to rent, less equipment and tech and probably no workers comp claims. This reason alone is enough to believe we probably won’t go back to mass scale working spaces with everyone in one place.

Work from home job search platforms are plentiful. Just check out this list of job search platforms here.

Your value will be determined even more so by what you produce

In WFH scenario, your outcomes, the value you add and what you produce will be brought to the fore simply because people can’t ‘see’ you.

Soft skills will win big

Tech savvy and those with emotional intelligence strong enough to navigate the absence of body language communication as well as shy people online communication gives you the ability to pause for thought, edit, and carve out a voice for yourself.

Virtual events will be a permanent feature

Its funny to think that virtual events were looked down on by many people just a month or two ago .

Actually, because the cost is drastically reduced online, you can bring more regular events, with great content, directly to people that need it, when they need it.

Business travel will become less essential

Of course business travel will still be a thing. Some things just are better in person. But in general all those in person people will feel the need to master online networking too. In other words – business travel is up in the air.

Precedents are being set that we haven’t yet anticipated

Even though much has been left to chance rather than rules in this pandemic, we need to be careful that this does not continue and we dont fully provide away our rights to virtual privacy.

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How to export Facebook campaign from one ads manager and import it to another

How to Export Facebook Campaign From One Ads Manager and Import it to Another

How to export Facebook campaign from one ads manager and import it to another
Note: once you import the campaign, go to the ad set and click SAVE under your custom audience created in the original account. This audience is still here but not saved in your account.
Note re file: if errors come up during import, just open the .csv file and delete values next to problem parameters. Save the file again (don’t worry if it shows up as .txt file now) and upload it. You are done.

How to export Facebook campaign from one ads manager and import it to another

How to export Facebook campaign from one ads manager and import it to anotherNote: once you import the campaign, go to the ad set and click SAVE under your custom audience created in the original account. This audience is still here but not saved in your account.Note re file: if errors come up during import, just open the .csv file and delete values next to problem parameters. Save the file again (don’t worry if it shows up as .txt file now) and upload it. You are done.

Posted by Tessa Digital on Thursday, April 30, 2020

How to export Facebook campaign from one ads manager and import it to another Read More »

Post-Corona Changes in Business Practices

Accelerated digital transformation. People are being forced to work from home, but their whole life is being forced to adapt digitally. These behaviors will not disappear once the quarantine is over, it’s very likely that people who have been forced to adopt digital practices will continue these. The companies which are best placed to benefit from the situations are those which offer comfort, convenience or necessity for consumers. For brands there’s space to think about the digitization of your product, not just the delivery.

There is no ‘return to ‘normal’ after this’. Even if things were to rebound 100%, you can’t live through something like this and not remember it. Consumers have every reason to be cautious now and for the foreseeable future.
For instance, we were already seeing consumers pulling back on buying new clothes in favor of thrifting. I think you will continue to see an embrace of thrift, but across more and more sectors. So not just a turn away from fast fashion but a stronger embrace of craft, of do it yourself, of self-sufficiency. ‘How can brands empower consumers to be more self-sufficient?’

At times of crisis innovation flourishes. Contactless solutions may increasingly replace what used to be high-touch activities, such as concerts or fitness, as well as in-demand human tasks like shipping and delivery. Buying a house online? – Totally possible and done in New Zealand.

Some Opportunities and Start Preparing for Downsides
Eight-hour workdays no longer exist. Being online all the time will also change the typical workday. This requires employees to set clear boundaries, apportioning their family time, personal time, leisure time, and sleeping hours. Otherwise, they risk an unbearable day and decreased quality of life.

Increased use of temporary and part-time workers. Companies scarred by the response to the pandemic will be reluctant to add full-time roles when they could add flexible roles instead. There is no need for those long powerpoint presentations, as agendas are more focused, enabling meeting times to be cut dramatically.

Fewer middle managers and consultants. With their digital transformation, companies will need far fewer middle managers, project managers, and executive assistants. Managers’ jobs should be changed into team leadership roles where the managers produce and coach. Instead of consultants that do management’s work, companies should give the challenges to their own employees who know the business far better than any consultant.

Cutting back business trips. The pandemic has shown us we don’t need to fly to Shanghai or Zurich for business reviews. Using videoconferencing programs, like Zoom or Skype, meetings can be just as effective online.

Renewed focus on outcomes instead of controlling employees’ time. The role of leaders will shift to further attention on empowering their employees, energizing them around a common mission, and measuring the outcomes of their work. Instead of measuring employees’ inputs, companies will shift to results and forward-looking metrics like market share and customer feedback.

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Gmail on Android: How to set notifications for a specific type of emails

Here is how:

  1. Open the Gmail app on your phone.
  2. Tap the three-line menu icon in the app’s upper-left corner, then scroll all the way down the main menu and tap “Settings.”
  3. Tap the name of your Gmail account, then tap “Notifications” and make sure the option is set to “All.”
  4. Tap “Inbox notifications” and make sure the box next to “Label notifications” is unchecked.
  5. Next, tap “Manage labels” and find your “VIP” label in the list. Tap it, make sure its “Sync messages” option is set to “Last 30 days,” and make sure both “Label notifications” and “Notify for every message” are checked.
  6. Look through the rest of the labels in the list—any labels for which you don’t want to receive notifications—and make sure those same boxes are unchecked for all of them.

Gmail on Android: How to set notifications for a specific type of emails Read More »

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